My journey of 100DaysofCode

Jyoti Shinde
2 min readDec 19, 2020

I just finished the 100DaysofCode challenge and I’m excited to share my journey.

Before talking about my journey, let us talk about what 100DaysofCode challenge really is and really mean?

It is a challenge in which the main rule is that you have to code at a minimum an hour everyday for 100 days. Checkout the official website to learn more about it.

So, How did I start?

When I came across 100Days of Code, I never thought of attempting it and completing the challenge was beyond my imagination. However, during multiple networking events, I learned of success stories who attempted this and I felt their experience was appealing to me to start at least. When I decided to attempt the challenge, another thing was to think about the outcome of the challenge. My main goals were to enhance the skill sets gained during the bootcamp, improve Data Structure and Algorithm skills and keep building side projects to strengthen my development skills.


Once my goal was set, I started the challenge by preparing one data structure or algorithm a day and solving a few problems related to it for the next few days until I completely got a grasp of how it works and how to implement it. Along with that, I kept working on a group project and a personal project. And I kept posting my everyday work during these 100 Days.

Was it exhausting?

Photo by Doğukan Şahin on Unsplash

Coding an hour/day or more than that was not exhausting. Other life errands like job search, rejections, and so on makes it a bit exhausting. However, on top of all those errands, I kept my journey continued. And the source of motivation behind it was all of the connections who supported this journey and encouraged me to move forward.

What did I achieve by doing this?

It helped me to stay accountable and aligned with my goal. Additionally, I practiced discipline, sense of ownership, strengthened my skill sets and changed my habits as a developer. Along the way, I connected with many meaningful connections during this journey.

So, whoever is planning to try it out or is currently working on it, please keep pushing yourself forward. If you get burned out get some rest and try again. LinkedIn is a supportive platform. Many connections supported and encouraged me to keep going until the end.

Finally, thanks to everyone who supported my journey and encouraged me to achieve the goal of the challenge!

